

Our Chapter By-Laws can be found here.

HSDM ASDA Constitution

Article I: Name

The name of this association shall be known as the Harvard Chapter of the American Student Dental Association, hereafter referred to in this document as “HSDM ASDA” 


Article II: Mission and Objectives

Section 1: Mission Statement of the American Student Dental Association

The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests and welfare of dental students. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy.


Section 2: Objectives of HSDM ASDA

The objectives of HSDM ASDA shall be:

  1. To implement the mission of national ASDA at the local level.
  2. To educate members on topics important to their career development and political understanding, supplementing the academic curriculum.
  3. Connecting students with the American Student Dental Association (ASDA), American Dental Association (ADA), Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS), and organized dentistry at the local, district, and national level.
  4. To partner with the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) administration, Harvard-affiliated organizations, and other community organizations to implement HSDM ASDA’s goals and initiatives.
  5. To provide networking opportunities for the student body outside of HSDM such as alums, industry leaders, vendors, and other opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
  6. To promote student involvement in community service and outreach.


Article III: Membership

Membership in HSDM ASDA is open to all enrolled HSDM predoctoral dental students and to students enrolled in a postdoctoral residency program, without regard to race, creed, color, age, gender, handicap, disability, nationality, or any other consideration outlined by national ASDA. HSDM ASDA provides equal opportunity and access to membership programs, facilities, and benefits to all persons.


Article IV: Dues

Payment of national and local dues provides membership in ASDA, student membership in the ADA, and the Harvard Chapter of ASDA. National dues are set by national ASDA. HSDM ASDA is an auto-enroll chapter and dues are collected through the Financial Aid Office of Harvard School of Dental Medicine. 


Article V: Leadership Organization

The governing body of HSDM ASDA is the Executive Board. The President and Vice-President have the authority to appoint members to fulfill the work of the chapter as needed.


Article I: Structure of the Executive Council

The Executive Council shall be comprised of the following positions:

  1. Chapter President/First Delegate
  2. Chapter Vice President/Second Delegate
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. President-Elect & Vice President-Elect
  6. Immediate Past President & Immediate Past Vice President 
  7. Community Involvement Chairs
  8. Fundraising & Events Chairs
  9. Pre-Dental Chairs
  10. Professional Development Chairs 
  11. Legislative Liaison/Political Advocacy Chairs
  12. Social Media & Wellness Chairs
  13. Other Appointed Members 


Article II: Duties and Powers of the Executive Board

  • Chapter President/First Delegate
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. To serve as chairperson of the Executive Council, preside at chapter meetings, and oversee all activities of HSDM ASDA.
      2. Divides committee oversight responsibilities with the Vice-President based on expertise and interest.
      3. To represent HSDM ASDA at:
        1. ASDA Annual Session
        2. MDS Annual Session
        3. ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day
      4. To represent HSDM ASDA, as possible, at:
        1. District 1 ASDA events
        2. ASDA events at other chapters
        3. State, regional, district, and local dental society events
      5. Vote in the ASDA Annual Session House of Delegates, with the responsibility to represent HSDM ASDA constituents, to determine ASDA policy, and to elect the Executive Committee and District Trustee.
      6. Expand the role of ASDA in the school and community.
      7. Lead advocacy efforts on behalf of the collective and individual concerns of chapter members.
      8. Coordinate material to be discussed at all general meetings and preside at all meetings as necessary.
      9. Assist in committee activities if necessary.
      10. Act as the main liaison between HSDM ASDA and:
        1. HSDM administration, staff, and faculty
        2. Harvard University administration, staff, and faculty
        3. ASDA District 1 Trustee and District leadership 
        4. Other ASDA chapters
      11. Plan and delegate tasks to other members of the executive board. Should not put most of the work into putting together activities and functions. Rather, their major responsibility is contacting individuals within or outside of the University.
      12. To appoint a member of HSDM ASDA to complete the term of any vacant office with the approval of a majority of the Executive Council.
      13. To carry out the affairs of HSDM ASDA in accordance with these bylaws.
      14. Serve for the following year as immediate past president.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be able to attend ASDA Annual Session and MDS Annual Session.
      2. Must be able to devote sufficient time to manage the chapter effectively.
      3. Must attend all executive board meetings as possible. 

  • Vice-President/Second Delegate
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. To assist the President in the performance of their duties.
      2. To take over responsibilities in the absence or incapacity of the President.
      3. Assist in committee activities if necessary.
      4. Vote in the ASDA Annual Session House of Delegates, with the responsibility to represent HSDM ASDA constituents, to determine ASDA policy, and to elect the Executive Committee and District Trustee as Second Delegate.
      5. Responsible for the execution and completion of the Gold Crown or similar ASDA award application in conjunction with the Secretary throughout the year.
      6. Supervise yearly elections.
      7. Serve for the following year as immediate past vice president
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be able to attend ASDA Annual Session and MDS Annual Session.
      2. Must be able to devote sufficient time to manage the chapter effectively.
      3. Must commit time to supervise completion of the Ideal ASDA application to ASDA Central Office by the deadline.
      4. Must attend executive board meetings.

  • Legislative Liaison/Political Advocacy Committee Chair
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Supervise Advocacy Committee and serve as chair.
      2. Disseminate information about important legislation to students.
      3. Perform a capital campaign fund for the American Dental Political Advocacy Committee (ADPAC).
      4. Inform students about recent licensure reform efforts and involve the student body in relevant political activities.
      5. Serve or encourage other advocacy committee members to serve on the Massachusetts Dental Society Government Affairs Committee or Public Affairs Committee as the sole student voice for legislative activities.
      6. Serve in an advisory capacity for the subsequent legislative liaison for a minimum of two months following your term.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be able to attend National Dental Student Lobby Day.
      2. Must be able to serve as Alternate Delegate if the First or Second Delegate is absent.
      3. Must coordinate with other Legislative Liaisons and MDS as applicable to organize a State Lobby Day.
      4. Must attend executive board meetings in addition to advocacy committee meetings.

  • Treasurer/Fundraising Committee Chair
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Act as fundraising committee chair in lieu of another dedicated chair to fundraising.
      2. Process reimbursements.
      3. Prepare funding requests for HMS/HSDM Student Council as relevant.
      4. Fill out application for annual HMS budgeting process.
      5. Manage the disbursement of funds to HSDM class councils.
      6. Keep track of the budget and announce the status of the funds at each officer meeting.
      7. Work closely with the Fundraising Chairs to pursue various funding sources and be the main contact for the appropriate parties.
      8. Approve or disapprove funding requests from committees as agreed upon by the board.
      9. Coordinate transactions.
      10. Serve in an advisory capacity for the subsequent treasurer for a minimum of two months following your term.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be prompt and extremely organized with all budgetary activities.
      2. Must attend executive board meetings in addition to fundraising committee meetings.

  • Secretary
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Write up meeting minutes by annotation to the issued meeting agenda with subsequent email or notification of minutes to all ASDA members by the evening of the meeting. Work with committee chair to ensure clear action items and deadlines for all meetings attended. 
      2. Begin each meeting by reviewing previous meetings’ deadlines and action items with responsible parties. 
      3. Attend all Exec board meetings, and all other committee meetings as possible.
      4. Responsible for the execution and completion of the Gold Crown or similar ASDA award application in conjunction with the vice president throughout the year. Compile and maintain Gold Crown ASDA documents. Should have copies of any materials used by HSDM ASDA (flyers, cards, pamphlets, newsletters).
      5. Lead efforts to maintain an HSDM Google calendar with events hosted by clubs at HSDM and post all events and meetings in a timely manner on this web calendar.
      6. Serve in an advisory capacity for the subsequent secretary for a minimum of two months following your term.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be extremely organized.
      2. Must commit time in the winter to supervise completion of the Gold Crown ASDA application to ASDA Central Office by the deadline.

  • Committee Chairs
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Schedule meetings regularly as appropriate for your committee.
      2. Lead meetings of your respective committee.
      3. Work with Secretary to set actionable items at each meeting, and set deadlines.
      4. Check in with committee members as necessary to ensure completion of actionable items.
      5. Communicate with the rest of the executive board on committee progress and problems.
      6. Communicate executive board goals for the committee to all vice-chairs. 
      7. Attend executive board meetings to direct chapter growth.
      8. Serve in an advisory capacity for the subsequent chair for a minimum of two months following your term.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be able to attend your committee and executive board meetings, absences will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
      2. Must be able to consistently monitor the work of your committee members to ensure efficient progress.
      3. Must be organized and professional. 

  • President-Elect
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Accompany and assist the President in planning and implementing any initiatives for the chapter.
      2. Learn what it takes to serve as an effective President.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be able to attend ASDA Annual Session all national meetings and MDS Annual Session.
      2. Must be able to devote sufficient time to manage the chapter effectively.
      3. Must attend executive board meetings in addition to general board meetings as possible.

  • Vice President-Elect 
      1. Responsibilities:
        1. Accompany and assist the Vice-President in planning and implementing any initiatives for the chapter.
        2. Learn what it takes to serve as an effective Vice-President.
      2. Qualifications:
        1. Must be able attend all national meetings
        2. Must be able to devote sufficient time to manage chapter effectively
        3. Must commit time in the winter to supervise completion of the Gold Crown ASDA application by January to ASDA Central Office by the deadline.
        4. Must attend executive board meetings in addition to general board meetings as possible.
  • Immediate Past President
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Be available to assist current President with advice or networking as relevant, and as possible. 

  • Immediate Past Vice President
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Be available to assist current Vice-President with advice or networking as relevant, and as possible. 

  • Faculty Advisor
    1. To be elected by majority vote of the Executive Council.
    2. To serve as advisor to the Executive Council.


Article III: Duties and Powers of the Committees 


  1. Community Involvement Committee
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Maintain ASDA’s focus on its long-term commitment to serving community members for their dental needs as well as their fundamental needs.
      2. Organize Give Kids a Smile event with assistance from the previous Community Involvement Chair.
      3. Ensure that a member of the general committee is prepared to organize Give Kids a Smile the subsequent year.
      4. Work to expand community service programs for HSDM ASDA, including existing dental service organizations and oral health education programs.
      5. Keep HSDM ASDA members informed about various community service opportunities.
      6. Make records of all contact information of organizations and community partners accessible to current and future Community Involvement Chairs.
      7. Recruit HSDM students to help with service and education events.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must demonstrate commitment to community service.
      2. Must seek out new community service opportunities.
      3. Must attend all Community Involvement committee meetings.
      4. Must be able to attend all ASDA general board meetings.
      5. Must organize and attend Give Kids a Smile events.
      6. Must be in good academic and professional standing.


  1. Fundraising Committee 
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Oversee the organization and execution of all fundraising activities in conjunction with the Treasurer.
      2. Organize and implement at least three fundraising events throughout the year, including fleece/Patagonia sale, scrub sale, etc. 
      3. Organize yearly vendor fair.
      4. Develop new fundraising ideas and work with the Director of Student Affairs to expand fundraising opportunities
      5. Recruit HSDM students to participate in and help execute fundraisers.
      6. Serve as the main liaison to outside organizations interested in making contributions to ASDA activities.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must effectively communicate with outside organizations.
      2. Must appropriately delegate tasks to other board members.
      3. Must attend all ASDA Fundraising Committee meetings.
      4. Must be able to attend all ASDA general board meetings.
      5. Must be in good academic and professional standing.


  1. Pre-Dental Committee 
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Serve as the main liaison to the predental community. 
      2. Organize the annual predental course (usually in the spring).
      3. Organize the annual mini predental conference (usually in the fall).
      4. Organize predental month in October
      5. Pursue new predental initiatives (i.e. new events, newsletter, database of predental opportunities).
      6. Strengthen contacts with local predental chapters (Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, Tufts, Northeastern, Wellesley, etc.) and coordinate HSDM involvement in chapter activities.
      7. Communicate opportunities for predental involvement in regional and national ASDA activities and encourage predental ASDA membership.
      8. Organize HSDM students to offer mentorship to local colleges and universities.
      9. Recruit HSDM students to help with predental events.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must effectively communicate with predental chapters.
      2. Must be able to attend all ASDA predental committee meetings.
      3. Must be able to attend all ASDA general board meetings.
      4. Must be in good academic and professional standing.


  1. Social Media Committee
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Manage HSDM social media accounts and oversee HSDM ASDA website activities.
      2. Create weekly posts to increase social media traffic (fun facts, poll, profile highlights).
      3. Recruit and assign board members to contribute social media posting.
      4. Cover all events sponsored by HSDM ASDA in addition to relevant regional and national events.
      5. Coordinate photography at each HSDM ASDA event either by being present themself or by recruiting other photographers for the event.
      6. Promote events and post event photos on social media accounts.
      7. Expand the website with new resources for HSDM ASDA members and predental students.
      8. Ensure website accuracy for HSDM and HSDM ASDA.
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must be proactive in establishing a social media presence.
      2. Must have some previous website management experience or the willingness to learn.
      3. Must be timely in all updates.
      4. Must be able to attend all ASDA social media committee meetings.
      5. Must be able to attend all ASDA general board meetings.
      6. Must be in good academic and professional standing.

  1. Political Advocacy Committee
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Assist Legislative Liaison in all activities, including organizing Dental Student Lobby Day and monitoring local and national legislative activities.
      2. Disseminate information about legislation relevant to dental students.
      3. Inform students about national and regional ASDA legislative efforts.
      4. Involve the student body in relevant political activities.
      5. Perform a capital campaign fund for the American Dental Political Advocacy Committee (ADPAC).
      6. Create and implement projects related to legislative issues over the course of the year under the guidance of the Legislative Liaison.
      7. Host at least one event during ASDA Political Advocacy Month in November. 
    2. Qualifications:
      1. Must attend all HSDM ASDA events (unless specifically excused due to conflict).
      2. Must be able to attend all ASDA general board meetings.
      3. Must be in good academic and professional standing.

  • Wellness Committee
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Coordinate wellness activities for ASDA’s Wellness Month such as a yearly class-competitive step challenge.
      2. Coordinate annual ASDA Winter Olympics
      3. Inform students about national and regional ASDA wellness efforts.
      4. Communicate with class reps, class presidents, and the general student body to provide helpful wellness initiatives such as exercise, cooking,or meditation courses, among others.
    2. Qualifications
      1. Must be able to devote appropriate time to Wellness events.
      2. Must be able to attend all ASDA general board meetings.
      3. Must attend all HSDM ASDA events (unless specifically excused due to conflict).
      4. Must be in good academic and professional standing.


Article IV: General Board Meetings

  1. General Board Meetings will be coordinated by and presided over by the current ASDA President, and will occur a minimum of once a year to review the By-Laws and recognize members of ASDA for their accomplishments throughout the year.


Article V: Elections and Term of Office

  1. Delegate-Elect member elections will be held in the spring semester (January to May). Members will assume their positions in August. 
  2. Executive Board elections will occur in August. All candidates must be registered by the first day of the last full week of August.
    1. If there are only two members of a committee, or two applicants for chair, the chair position may be elected by outside competition agreed upon by both parties. 
  3. Committee placement requests must be completed by the first day of the last full week of August, and will be collected simultaneously with Executive Board nominations.
  4. Newly elected Executive Board members will meet and finalize committee assignments by the last business day of the first week of September.
    1. Committee Members are assigned based on committee placement requests from students listing top three desired committee positions at the discretion of the Executive Board.
  5. Leaders may hold no more than one elected chapter position. Serving on the Executive Board or as a committee vice-chair will not disqualify a member from serving as Delegate-Elect.
  6. Elections are held by secret ballot. The candidate for each position with the most votes shall be declared the winner.
  7. Eligible voters are all ASDA members in good standing during the specified time for chapter elections.
  8. All members of the Executive Board and committee members serve for one year, and serve in an advisory capacity for an additional two months for the following Executive Board. 


Article VI: Unexpired Terms

  1. In the event of a vacancy in the role of President, the Vice-President will succeed the President for the remainder of the unexpired term. The resulting Executive Council vacancy shall be appointed by the new President, with majority approval by the Executive Council.
  2. All other vacancies will be filled by appointment by the President with majority approval of the Executive Council.
  3. All replacement appointments will end at the conclusion of the unexpired term.


Article VII: Removal from Office

  1. An Executive or Committee Chair can be removed from office for:
    1. Infringement of any of these bylaws
    2. Commitment of an act discreditable to the profession of dentistry
    3. Failing to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the position specified in the Harvard Chapter of ASDA Constitution and Bylaws or in the official position description.
  2. One of the following conditions must be met to remove a delegate from office:
    1. Three instances of unexcused absences from meetings.
    2. Three instances of failing to submit necessary materials.
    3. Repeatedly failing to communicate with the Executive Board despite warning communication from the Executive Board.
    4. Misappropriating chapter funds.
    5. Neglecting duties outlined in these Constitution and Bylaws or as stated in the official position description.
  3. If one of the above conditions exist, the removal procedure is as follows:
    1. Notification and counseling:
      1. The person will be given the opportunity to resign or meet specific requirements to fulfill their duties as determined by the Executive Council. This may include the Executive Council assigning a Special Advisor, which may be any Executive Board, Committee Chair member, or chapter member to assist in fulfilling their duties.
    2. Probationary period:
      1. The person will be notified of a probationary period of 30 days to correct the problems and complete unfulfilled duties.
      2. After 30 days, the Executive Board will meet to discuss the member’s progress. A two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board is required to determine if the person can continue in their role or be removed from office.
      3. The person will receive written notification of removal from office or permission to continue in office from the Executive Board.
      4. The person will lose all right to vote on committee or executive board proceedings
      5. In the instance of suspected financial infraction, the person will immediately lose access to all financial accounts.
    3. In the case of an officer who also serves as First or Second Delegate:
      1. Notifying the District Trustee and chapter faculty advisor that removal procedures are being implemented.
      2. Procedures in Article V: Unexpired Terms will be implemented to replace the First or Second Delegate.


Article VIII: Amendments

The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Association at which a quorum is present by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, when the proposed amendment is submitted in writing to an Executive Council officer five days prior to the Association meeting. A quorum shall consist of no less than 10 percent of the membership at large.


Article IX: Meetings

Section 1: Local Meetings

HSDM ASDA must conduct an official meeting at least once per semester, which shall be open to all members. Procedure is the parliamentary authority at all official meetings of HSDM ASDA. Special meetings of HSDM ASDA may be called by the President or by petition to the President by no less than five members.


Section 2: National ASDA Meetings

The President/First Delegate and Vice President/Second Delegate serve as the primary and secondary delegates, respectively, at all national and district ASDA meetings during their term. If either is unable to fulfill this responsibility, they have the authority to delegate these duties to other board members. Additionally, the President and Vice President have the authority to select additional ASDA members to attend National ASDA Meetings to represent HSDM ASDA.


Section 3: State Society Meetings

The First Delegate and Second Delegate should attend or appoint two chapter members to attend MDS meetings and to keep their class informed on disseminated information of upcoming events.